Common Sense Investing

Our investment process follows a diverse multi-asset allocation approach. In implementing this, our focus is primarily on positioning your core portfolio to provide exposure to the markets in as cost efficient a way as we can. We then supplement this cost efficient core with more active satellite holdings around the periphery of your portfolio that are well positioned to grow year on year regardless of market conditions. 

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The Economic Environment

We proactively manage our portfolios to remain dynamically engaged with the markets. Our portfolios are powered by sophisticated research-driven asset allocation. 

The investment philosophy we adopt here at Belcher Investments implements a classic core and satellite approach throughout our model portfolios. The main core holdings of your portfolio are constituted of efficient passive instruments including exchange traded funds, exchange traded commodities and traditional low cost tracker funds. This allows us to aggressively reduce the cost of our portfolio management.

We supplement this efficient core with a thematic satellite approach around the periphery delivered through the use of cost efficient listed and secondary market structured products. These instruments allow us to exploit our expertise in both constructing new strategies and analysing existing notes to achieve an enhanced balance of risk and reward.

We fully believe that such a strategy is as well positioned as possible to weather the considerable economic difficulties lying ahead in the coming years and protect against the erosionary effects of inflation.

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Your Investment Goals & Parameters

Your hopes, aims and aspirations shape our approach. Any known or desired constraints such as ethical investing are accounted for.

Your Risk Profile & Risk Tolerance

Your individual attitude to risk and capacity to assume risk are both important barometers that we use to ensure that your investment portfolio is constructed as a true and accurate representation of the risk level that you are comfortable with and that your circumstances can withstand. 

It is highly important that your investment portfolio is constructed in a way that accurately reflects an appropriate level of risk for you. We utilise a sophisticated risk profiling system powered by Finametrica to ensure that we accurately record and reflect your unique risk preferences and tolerance. Your individual pattern of answers to a series of clear and concise questions, regarding your attitude to risk, guides our construction of your portfolio in the first instance. Our advisors will then sense check this to ensure that the output of this process is something they feel is an accurate representation of the level of risk that you are comfortable with whilst also being appropriate for your personal financial circumstances.

Once we have set mutually agreed risk parameters, we maintain your portfolio to achieve the best returns possible whilst ensuring your portfolio manager stays within those parameters at all times.